I'm Jessica Sprague.

I'm a unicorn for hire.

Lemme 'splain. I'm actually a graphic designer, a web designer, and an instructional designer. That's THREE kinds of designer, all rolled into one smart, fun, online-school-developing powerhouse. Want to talk?

I write. I photograph. I make web sites that zing, and online schools that offer students real value in a gorgeous web environment. I would LOVE to put all my skills to work for you to help you set up your own Teachable web site. WHAT? you say? All that?
I know, right?, I say. You need me.

Every service under one roof

Brand & Graphic Design

I'll help you define your brand & design your company identity. Examples include brand development & design, including logo, color scheme, PDF design, product previews, and personal walkthroughs of each if you want to learn how to DIY!

Teachable Site Development

I can develop your Teachable web site, including custom home page, custom header/footer, and static pages. If you've already got a Teachable site and you're looking for stepping up your online education game, I can provide a critique of your current home page and fix-er-up, Or I can show you how. It's always better to learn how to fish, rather than buying fish all the time, right? - I'd love to teach you how to fish!
HA! I just pictured a unicorn teaching a fishing class. Awesome.

Instructional Design

I would also LOVE to show you how to design a truly engaging online course using proven instructional design principles. We can start from the ground up with a new course and design it together, OR I will gladly take a look at your course offerings with an instructor's eye and offer my suggestions. We'll create a plan for spiffing up that course in no time! (And you'll be amazed at how much easier it is to design future courses using those same tricks.)

For a custom quote, please feel free to get in touch - send me an email at [email protected]. Let's build something awesome!

Create Your Story
  • Founded in June 2007, JessicaSprague.com is the home of the world's best online classes and products for digital crafters. Learn more about Jessica.